Services offered

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We offer a full range of services. Electrical, Plumbing, drywall repair and install, painting, texturing, carpentry, cabinet install, flooring, tile work appliance install, residential and commercial  maintenance,    

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Announce coming events

Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.

Display real testimonials

Display real testimonials

Display real testimonials

Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.

Promote current deals

Promote current deals

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Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.

Share the big news

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Share the big news

Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.

Display their FAQs

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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.

Permits Simplified

Renovations and installation require paperwork and permits. As certified contractors, we know what papers need to be filed and what permits need to be obtained. 

Remodels and Renovations

Still in love with your home, but feel like it's a little outdated? Need a more functional kitchen for the chef of the house? Let's talk about a remodel.

Repair Expertise

Every house needs some repairs at some point. From wood rot to storm damage, home repairs need to be handled in such a way that they do not cover up related problems.